Where do we use Embedded Systems

What exactly is an embedded system? And why are they so important?

What do we use Embedded Systems?

An embedded system is a device in that uses a real-time operating system that performs a dedicated function without being part of a larger system. For example, a car might have an embedded system that controls the anti-lock braking system, steering wheel, accelerator pedal, horn, lights, wipers, radio, navigation system, (through a graphical user interface), air conditioning, etc. This type of system is called an embedded system because it is embedded inside the device.

A typical real time embedded system consists of three main components: hardware, software, and firmware. Hardware includes things such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and semiconductors. Software is the instructions that tell the hardware how to operate. Firmware is the code that tells the hardware what to do.

Real time embedded systems are used in everything from smartphones to automobiles to airplanes. They are usually small, inexpensive, and require little maintenance.

where do we use embedded systems

Examples of ES

Embedded systems are everywhere around you. You probably use one everyday without realising it. For example, embedded systems are used in everything from mobile phones to refrigerators. In fact, most of our daily lives involve some type of embedded system.

An embedded system is defined as a computer that does something useful while being powered by electricity. This definition includes many different types of computers, including microcontrollers, microprocessors, digital signal processors, field programmable gate arrays, application-specific integrated circuits, and others.

The term “embedded system” is often confused with the term “Internet of Things.” However, embedded systems are much smaller and less complex than IoT devices. IoT devices are typically large, bulky, expensive, and require constant maintenance. On the contrary, embedded systems are small, inexpensive, and easy to maintain.

Characteristics of embedded systems

Microprocessors and microcontrollers are both integrated circuits. They are used to control everything from cars to robots to medical equipment. Embedded systems are often found inside IoT devices such as smart watches, thermostats, file systems and refrigerators. These devices use these type of systems to sense and react to events. For example, a refrigerator might use an embedded system to turn itself off when it detects that you’re running low on food.

Time critical functions require ES to operate quickly. This is especially true for safety-related applications where failure could lead to death or injury. In addition, some systems must perform complex tasks without human intervention. For instance, autonomous vehicles depend on embedded systems to detect obstacles and avoid collisions. They predominantly access read only memory.

Structure of embedded systems

These type of systems are used everywhere today. They are found in cars, smartphones, smartwatches, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. In fact, there are over 2 billion embedded devices in use around the world. These devices are becoming increasingly powerful and capable, and it is important to understand how they work.

An embedded system consists of hardware and software components. The hardware component includes microcontrollers, memory chips, sensors, displays, actuators, power supplies, and connectors. The software component contains programs written in assembly language, machine code, high level languages like Java, C++, Python, etc., operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, etc., middleware such as databases, web servers, messaging protocols, etc., and application programming interfaces (APIs).

The structure is similar to that of a computer. However, unlike computers, embedded systems do not have a central processing unit (CPU), because they don’t run general purpose applications. Instead, they run specialised tasks. For example, a car uses an embedded system to control the steering wheel, brakes, accelerator pedal, horn, windshield wipers, headlights, etc. A smartphone uses an embedded system to process images captured by cameras, play music, make phone calls, send text messages, display maps, etc. An IoT device might use an embedded system to monitor temperature, humidity, light levels, air pressure, etc.


They are used in everything from cars to medical devices to smart phones. They’re often very complex, and it’s difficult to find bugs in them.


Embedded systems are used in everything from cars to refrigerators and even spacecraft. They’re everywhere. But how did we get here? Let’s take a look at some of the history behind embedded systems.

Embedded systems are computer hardware that has been designed to perform specific functions within a larger device or system. They are often found inside consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, cars, appliances, and even robots.

Embedded systems are becoming increasingly important because they allow us to build devices that are smaller, faster, cheaper, and smarter. In addition, embedded systems are also being used to create new applications and services.